©Back in the 90’s when I was a student, my schedule was packed—and hectic. I was up at 445, out the door and in my car by 530 and at my work station by 6.

The plant buzzer rang at 430 in the afternoon and by 435, I was on my way to school and from 5 in the afternoon until 10 at night, I sat in a classroom. Once class ended, I drove home, ate, took a shower and studied until midnight. By the time bedtime rolled around, I was oh…so…ready.

During that time, I developed this habit. Each night, I’d turn on the lights in the bathroom and closet and leave both doors slightly ajar, allowing just enough light to come in and disturb the darkness. I did this because when I’m in a room that is totally dark, I fall into a deep sleep.

I had an alarm clock and a good internal alarm clock but during those long days, I needed the light to break up that dark. I didn’t like it and at times, it was uncomfortable, but I knew I had to make myself a little uncomfortable, so I’d be ready for what was to come.

I couldn’t afford to get too comfortable.

You know, one of the most dangerous things you can do in life is to allow yourself to get too comfortable. You get too comfortable in your profession and start doing just enough to get by instead of putting forth the extra effort…and your career begins to stall.

You get too comfortable with your children and stop being a parent, start being a friend…and you end up losing the child.

If you take a good look at your life, there are things that you want but to get them you are going to have to come out of your comfort zone…and get a little uncomfortable.

It’s a new week and if we are honest with ourselves we will admit that we left a lot of blessings in last week. You can’t go back and get those, but you can commit to not making the same mistakes this week…you can commit to being, a little uncomfortable because when you are uncomfortable, a funny thing tends to happen…you move.

That’s right you move and when you do your life does too. You’ve got too much life in front of you, too much to accomplish and you’ll get there.

So, starting today, commit it to memory, write it down, post it throughout your home or office but do yourself a favor and repeat this phrase to yourself from time to time throughout the course of the day, as often as needed…

” Don’t get too comfortable…you’ve got too much to lose”.

The Journey

Check your Vision

Check your Vision

January 22, 2019

Lynn You Are A Writer

October 21, 2018
Don’t Forget The Little Black Boy
The Snooze Button

The Snooze Button

November 26, 2018
Snooze Button

Snooze Button

January 22, 2019