©January 1, 2018 I woke up and said this is the year. The year for what you ask—the year I move. Now, I’ve said this for oh about a decade and looking at homes has become one of my favorite things to do in my free time. But this year, I decided to do something a little different; instead of just saying I was going to move, I started packing.

Yes, for the first couple of months of 2018 I did nothing but packed. My office, guest room, guest bathroom, bedroom, on and on. I left out a handful of dishes and my clothes of course but other than that, by the end of that final week of February my entire house was packed up…

But I had no place to go.

That’s right—I’d packed my entire house up but had no new house, no next place, no next residence in sight. I laughed to myself thinking, “What in the world have I done”? But one thing I didn’t do…was unpack.

Anyone who knows me knows that it’s rare that I say no to a friend in need. If I can help you, I will and if I can’t there’s a good chance I’ll try to find a way to turn that can’t into a can.

That last week of February, a friend called and asked if I had time to run an errand. Turns out he was stuck in traffic and there was no way he’d be able to make it—no worries; I’m here.

Everybody needs somebody at some point but the friend…the time…the favor…all struck me as odd for a lack of a better way to put it. Nevertheless, I set out and before I knew it, I was done; that’s right mission accomplished.

The errand took me to one of the coolest parts of town so instead of just turning and heading home, I decided to take a ride through the adjourning neighborhoods. Each street I went down took my breath away as these homes were just gorgeous. I rounded block after block and then—wait, is that a FOR SALE sign…you think I could…maybe…just maybe…

I called the agent listed on the sign to see if I could schedule a tour and as it turns out, he was less than five minutes away. He came by and the moment I walked in I knew why I had been packing.
I moved in this weekend.


I firmly believe that if I hadn’t started packing my old house, I’d still be there. I’d still be there with those same wonderful neighbors who became more like family than friends but in a place where I couldn’t be the best version of me…so I had to move—but first I had to pack.

Imagine where you could be if instead of talking about where you want to go or what you want to do, you put some action behind it. Think about where your life would be. It’s a beautiful feeling so today as you walk out that door, grab some boxes. Grab some boxes and start packing because even though you can’t see “it”, whatever “it” is, “it” sees you. “It” sees you and leaps for joy at the sight of your faith, the sight of your made-up mind, and begins fighting just as hard if not harder to get to you.

Start this week knowing that there’s something incredible out there waiting for you, a move you were meant to make but before any of that can ever come to pass…

You must first pack…

The Journey

The Bus Stop

The Bus Stop

November 8, 2018
Pack and Move

Pack and Move

October 21, 2018


October 30, 2018
Leave Your Heart On

Leave Your Heart On

November 8, 2018