Upon graduating from high school in Killeen, Texas, I moved to Miami, Florida. I spent a year there taking courses at a local community college before moving to Dallas/Fort Worth which is where I currently reside. In Miami, I was living with one of my brothers and his work schedule was flexible, so transportation was not a problem; wherever I wanted to go, he got me there. When I moved to Dallas, it became a little more of a challenge.

Even though I was living with another one of my brothers, his life was much busier and a lot of times, I was forced to ride the bus. Riding the bus was a daunting task for a kid who had never ridden anything other than a school bus but after a few weeks of doing it, I had become a pro. I knew the bus numbers, the routes, their arrival and departure times, when they would be crowded, when they would be empty…if you needed to know anything about a bus, I was the guy to call. But it wasn’t that way in the beginning.

The first time I rode the bus home when in Dallas, I came out of school and was all kinds of confused. Being new to the city I panicked but I finally got my bearings about me and started heading in the right direction. Problem was, I had wasted a lot of time and I was almost certain that I would miss my bus. I was under the impression that when the bus got to the bus stop, if no one was there it would leave.

What I later found out that no matter if anyone was there, the bus driver was required to stop and wait until the appointed departure time. So here I was ripping and running through the city, trying to get to a bus I was so sure I had missed and when I finally made it to the bus stop…the bus was right there waiting on me.


There are times in all our lives when we go ripping and running through the day and we wonder when this good thing or that good thing is going to arrive or when this season or that season is going to come…we wonder when God is going to get here. But you know what, just like that bus situation that I described earlier…He is already sitting patiently at the bus stop…waiting on you and me to get there…

The Journey

When you move

When you move

October 21, 2018
It Came to Make You

It Came to Make You

August 26, 2022
When Your Mother Leaves

When Your Mother Leaves

January 22, 2019
Use Your House Key

Use Your House Key

November 8, 2018


October 21, 2018