©I grew up in a military household. It might have been different in others (I doubt it) but in mine, we were not allowed to sleep late. It just didn’t happen. My father was a military man, and this called for him to wake up early in the morning so that he could be on base ready for formation and other day to day duties.

This habit spilled over to the weekends and trickled down to me and my siblings. Even on the weekends you would seldom find any of us lying in the bed past 7 AM. To this day, we still have those same early morning habits. When I was younger, there was no need for an alarm clock but nowadays with deadlines and other adult responsibilities, I use one. I can depend on my natural alarm clock on the weekends and very rarely does it fail me. I promise you, I am usually up and out of bed and into my daily routine by no later than 6:30 AM regardless of what time I went to bed.

But most of the time, I set an alarm just to be safe. Now, even though I am an early bird there are times when that alarm sounds that I look at it and just like you…I hit that Snooze button to get an extra couple of minutes of sleeping and dreaming in. The Snooze button it’s our best friend in the morning. The Snooze button allows us to put off reality; even if it’s just for a few precious moments. The Snooze button gives us that false sense of security that says that the big picture of today…really isn’t that big. The Snooze button allows us to hold onto our dreams…but at some point…we all must wake up.


Don’t look now but life is moving fast and some of us have spent a lifetime including hitting the snooze button of life…content to be alive without feeling the joy of living. It’s time to stop snoozing and WAKE UP! You want to lose that weight…stop snoozing and make it happen! That business idea you been holding onto for the last ten years or so, stop snoozing…make it happen! Dead-end relationship you been trying to end for the last year…stop snoozing…end it; there’s someone else out there who will appreciate you for who you are; make it happen!

Let this be the day that instead of repeatedly pressing snooze and falling back to sleep…you hear the urgent ALARM of life and you start living and pursuing your dreams. Hey friend, hear me good on this one; you’ve been sleep for far too long…it’s time to WAKE UP!

The Journey

It Came to Make You

It Came to Make You

August 26, 2022
Priss and Mom

Priss and Mom

October 21, 2018

Lynn You Are A Writer

October 21, 2018
Have You Ever Been in a Fire?
A Little Rice

A Little Rice

October 18, 2022