©The Internet…some have called it the most powerful communications tool ever created. Want to know how money you have…just log into your account…online. Your bank account and all the debits and credits will magically…appear!

There’s social media driven by the Internet. Social media has allowed us to connect with new friends and build amazing new relationships that we might not ever have been able to do. Its also given us the ability to reconnect with old friends, pick up where we left off and as a result, life becomes that much sweeter. All…driven by the Internet.

Too hurried to watch the morning or evening news, no worries…no worries at all. Just tap into the Internet and you’ll get articles, stories, and front pages from all over the world sent to you hot off the presses. It’s amazing…

But here’s the thing. The entire Internet is driven…by key words. Yes, it’s true. You can find whatever you want to find on the Internet…as long as you’re using the right key words.

Say you want a bright red 1986 Corvette with 130,000 miles in Omaha, Nebraska…type those key words into the search engine and watch that vehicle appear. An old friend you reconnected with thanks to the Internet is getting married and you haven’t a thing to wear. Type in clothing stores, your size, the color of your shoes…the whole nine…and everything you need will be right there at your disposal.

Yes, you can find anything you want on the Internet…as long as you’re using…the right key words.


The Internet is an amazing tool that can double as a metaphor for life. Think about it for a minute if you will. You can find anything you want on the Internet…as long as you’re using the right key words, but you can also find anything in life…

As long as you’re using the right key words.

Thinking about opening that business one day…don’t say “I might” …say “I will” …then go and register the name and watch how quickly things move from there. Speak it into existence…

Single mother in school working hard to get through but you keep hearing the words, “I can’t”…start saying, “I can”…then go out and buy a frame for your diploma and a nice dress to wear on graduation night no matter how far away it might be….I guarantee, you’ll be there…Your words are your power…

Looking for a new job—that new job is also looking for you. It’s just waiting for you to say the right things, key words that let it know the time has come to make an introduction. Change your words…you can change your life….

Friend, no matter what it is or how impossible it may seem, remember, you can find whatever you want in life…as long as you’re using…

The right key words…

The Journey



October 21, 2018
Don’t Forget The Little Black Boy
Priss and Mom

Priss and Mom

October 21, 2018
The Bus Stop

The Bus Stop

November 8, 2018