Just like you a lot of times, I get in a hurry. My mind races a million; make that a billion miles per hour some days going in this direction or that direction. I jokingly tell some people that I have Adult ADD as a way of getting them to go to the point when communicating with me. It’s not that I don’t care because I do. It’s just that sometimes, the point of a conversation gets lost in all the details that are in most cases of little or no consequence. And in the course of those details, I sometimes get lost.

Well, I found myself in a similar situation not too long ago when a former co-worker approached me asking for a few minutes of my time. Over the years, some of my former co-workers have become some of my best friends and this relationship that I speak of is one of those.

From the outside, everything looked great. He is still at the same job, still making great money and he was in good spirits. So, he started to talk…and ramble (like he always does) and because he got so long-winded, I turned my ears off…but I left my heart on. I left my heart on and because I did, I was able to see what was going on with his life. I left my heart on and I because I did, I allowed myself to be touched by the pain he was in and as a result, I was able to offer some advice and help him make it through his situation. I left my heart on…and it made a world of difference…

So many times, we get confused as to what this organ or that organ doe, but the one thing I’ve learned on my journey is that there is nothing more important than the heart. Not because it pumps blood but because it has so many other important functions. Think about it. You look with your eyes, but you see with your heart. You feel with your hands, but you touch with your heart. You talk with your mouth, but you speak from the heart. You hear with your ears…but you listen with your heart.

It’s ok to turn your eyes off. It’s ok to turn your ears off. It’s ok to turn your mouth off. It’s ok to turn your hands off…just remember to always leave that beautiful heart of yours on because somebody needs it…and leaving it on will make a world of difference…

The Journey

A Little Rice

A Little Rice

October 18, 2022

Lynn You Are A Writer

October 21, 2018

Waiting on my man

October 21, 2018
It Came to Make You

It Came to Make You

August 26, 2022